At Fadew, we want to foster an open, respectful, and inclusive environment where users can engage in thoughtful discussions. To achieve this, we ask all members to follow these guidelines when commenting or publishing content in Fadew:

  • Be Respectful: Use kind and appropriate language. Do not insult, attack, or use hate speech directed at other members. Be considerate of different opinions. Express disagreement in a civilized manner. Do not share private information about others without consent. Respect privacy.
  • Be Truthful and Accurate: Fact-check information before sharing. Do not intentionally spread misinformation. Be honest and transparent when sharing personal stories or reporting events.
  • Follow the Law: Do not post content that violates copyright, trademark, or other laws of the United Kingdom. Cite sources appropriately. Illegal activities of any kind are strictly prohibited. This includes bullying, harassment, fraud, etc.
  • Stay on Topic: Comments should be relevant to the discussion topic and contribute meaningful information. Avoid spamming, trolling, or making nonsensical posts that derail conversations.
These guidelines are subject to updates as needed. Violations may result in comments being removed or users being banned in cases of repeated offenses. We want all visitors to feel welcomed and safe participating here. Please be cognizant to do your part in helping us achieve this goal. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. For additional information, see our policy and terms pages.